Neighborhood Beautification
Volunteers have the opportunity to join us in our monthly neighborhood cleanup in the Ocean Park community of Santa Monica. We typically collect buckets and bags, full of trash! If you would like to participate in any upcoming cleanups, contact us.
Compassion for Animals
Another awesome opportunity with teens, they learn about shelter animals and how to advocate for them. Social media is a plus with this activity, we encourage it and use it for networking adoptable animals. If you have a teen group that would like to get involved, contact us.
Adopt-A-Beach and Coastal Cleanup Day
with Heal the Bay
Santa Monica's Ocean Park beach- Station 26: Volunteers join us 4 times a year to clean up trash off the beach. Reporting the data to Heal the Bay where they take the information and use it to create legislation to protect our ocean. If you would like to join our next beach clean up, let us know , we'd love to have you.
Teen Group Neighborhood Beautification Program
Teens participate in cleaning up trash in the neighborhood, collecting data, and learn about trash and plastic waste and pollution. These are great advocacy, group building, and service opportunities for our local teens, our future leaders.
Youth Deveoplment
Year round we have the wonderful opportunity to bring our programs to the youths of our Los Angeles communities, encouraging, guiding, inspiring, and mentoring while educating them in hands on ways to care about their communities and others.